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Publications & Presentations

Welcome to our publications and presentations section! Here, you will find selections of our academic work -- articles and presentations that showcase our commitment to advancing knowledge in our field.

We invite you to explore our contributions and gain insights into our findings and methodologies.

Academic Publication


Heather Shirey. “Art in the Streets: Playful Politics in the Work of the Velvet Bandit and Sudalove” in Anna Beresin and Julia Bishop, Play in a COVID Frame: Everyday Pandemic Creativity in a Time of Isolation.

Academic Publication


Heather Shirey and Todd Lawrence, “Documenting a Global Uprising Through Protest Art in the Streets,” Monument Lab, September 29.

Academic Publication


Heather Shirey,Todd Lawrence, and Paul Lorah, “Mapping Art, Narrative, and Community in St. Paul, Minnesota” in Tijen Tunali, ed. Art and Gentrification in the Changing Neoliberal Landscape.

Academic Publication


Heather Shirey “Art and Social Justice: A Digital Archive of Street Art Protest,” Americans for the Arts ARTS Blog, December 3.

Academic Publication


Todd Lawrence and Heather Shirey. "Spreading Through the Streets: The COVID-19 Street Art Database" Journal of Folklore Research.

Academic Publication


Frederica Simmons, Amber Delgado, Rachel Weiher, Eve Wasylik, Adem Ojulu, Olivia Tjokrosetio, Shukrani Nangwala, Paul Lorah, David Todd Lawrence, and Heather Shirey. “The Urban Art Mapping Project: A Discussion of Street Art Preservation and Antiracism,” Journal of Folklore and Education, v. 8.

Academic Publication


Ronada Dominique, “Review of George Floyd & Anti-Racist Street Art, by Todd Lawrence, Paul Lorah and Heather Shirey,” Journal of American Folklore, v. 134, n. 534, p. 525-527.

Academic Publication


Heather Shirey, Leah Emerson, Riley Lapinski, Theresa Malloy, and Thomas Marrinan. “Enabling Collaborative Interaction with 360 Displays and Immersive Headsets” Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality Workshops, 183-188.

Academic Publication


Heather Shirey and Todd Lawrence, “Creating a Global Archive of Covid-19 Street Art,” Nuart Journal, v. 5.

Academic Publication


Summer Erickson, Chioma Uwagwu, and Heather Shirey “Preserving Plywood Protest Art: Minneapolis and Saint Paul after George Floyd,” Urban Creativity Scientific Journal, v. 2, n.1, 82-88.

University of Oregon Graduate Student Symposium
Western Kentucky Folklife Network
Upper Midwest Digital Collections Conference
Western Michigan University Center for the Humanities
World Press Institute Fellows presentation

Augsburg University
Bryant University
University of California, Irvine
Georgia State University
Harvard University
Hobart and William Smith College
Macalaster College

Minneapolis College of Art and Design
Minneapolis Women’s Club: Ramsey County Library
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Northwestern University
Saint Olaf College
University of St. Catherine
Western Michigan University

Public Art/Inside Out
New Monuments: Iconoclasm, Reenactments, and Alternative Commemorations in the US Since 2000
FORMA(T): Documenting, Collecting, and Archiving Street Art in Theory and Practice
Art in the City: Urban Space, Art, and Social Change
COVID-19: Critical/Creative Studies 
Foundation for the Advancement of Conservation
Minnesota Historical Society
Monuments to Movements
Rebel Streets: Urban Space, Art, and Social Movements

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